~Author: H. Jackson Brow

Recently I decided that I wanted to start making fresh juices again. My Jack LaLanne juicer had been sitting unused, begging for some attention. Everyday I would say to myself "today is the day I will make juice"- and nothing. I have an uncanny ability to convince myself that "today is the day" when deep down I know that this is not the case.
One Sunday after a Saturday, I was beyond hungover; and since I desire to remain employed I thought that hair of the dog would only wreak havoc on my Monday- so I decide to make juice; a blueberry, carrot and orange juice- as I was convinced that this would kill my hangover. I dragged myself to the grocers to retrieve supplies; came home and set up my juicer- while trying to keep it all together. As an aside, whoever said that eating bread soaks up the booze, is a liar. But that is an aside.

So I went to power on my juicer- so proud that I had done it, I was finally making juice; and nothing. Now some of the outlets in my house are faulty, a by product of the former owners shoddy workmanship- so I deduced that the outlet was bad, and switched to a new one, hopeful that my juicer would power on. And nothing. I could have cried, I was hungover, and by this point I was really looking forward to this juice. After taking apart the whole damn thing, I threw my hands in the air and had a glass of wine- that helped. But here I was with 2 lbs of carrots, a bag of oranges (which I do not ingest unless juiced or smoothied) and blueberries. The blueberries were gone in a matter of days, playing nicely with my morning yogurt; the oranges were eaten by someone, just not me; but the carrots were just looking at me like "Bianca, what about us"?
So I did what anyone in a carrot bind would do, I roasted them- with garlic, cilantro and ginger. The twist- and, oh, what a twist- is that I blanched the carrots in ginger ale; now this may sound like I've gone mad, but hear me out. The ginger ale kisses the carrots with a subtle ginger-y sweetness; and once roasted with the garlic and ginger, this dish goes to the next level. My roommate said they were they best carrots she had ever eaten; and after my juicing fail, I needed a victory.

Carrot with Ginger and Garlic
1 lb carrots
4 large cloves garlic
2 tbsp ginger
1/4 cup cilantro
3 cans ginger ale
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1/3 cup olive oil
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
In pot bring to boil the ginger ale and 2 cups of water; then plunge the carrots into the boiling mixture. Cook for 3 minutes. Drain and set aside. Dice the ginger and garlic into even little cubes and roughly chop the cilantro. Toss carrots first with the olive; then season with salt and pepper; toss again; then add the ginger, garlic and cilantro; toss again. Place the mix in shallow oven safe dish and bake in the oven for 20 minutes.
****To make this more summer friendly, you could marinate the blanched carrots in cilantro, garlic and ginger for 45 minutes; and then grill them. As my mother would say " there's no need to heat the house".